Sew Easy Sewing Studio in Virginia will be hosting the Days for Girls Occoquan VA team!
The Days for Girls Occoquan VA Team is just getting started with an amazing opportunity to make a significant difference in the lives of girls and women around the globe with lasting feminine hygiene kits. Meetings will be held at the Sew Easy Sewing Studio located at 203 Washington Street, Occoquan, VA. Please note: Previous Days for Girls experience is NOT required prior to attending a meeting and you do not need to know how to sew (we can show you how if that interests you). The Sew Easy Sewing Studio meeting space is limited so you must sign up to attend. Sign up information will be used exclusively to communicate Days for Girls meeting information and updates. By signing up to attend one meeting, you are under no obligation to attend any future meetings. You will find the Days for Girls Occoquan VA Team Sewing Event sign-ups under the Virginia Class and/or the Virginia Calendar page at
Meetings can range from 1-4 hours depending on the focus. Initially, our meetings will focus on organizing resources and training team members on the specific instructions for creating the Days for Girls feminine hygiene kit components (i.e. quality control, use of proper fabrics in proper prints and colors, precise construction -- these things are incredibly important). Click here to see what's in the Days for Girls feminine hygiene kit. Eventually, we hope to be running like a well-oiled machine with available on-site resources to host longer sewing events and even more of them each month whenever our classroom is not already booked. More insight into our team's activities will also be provided on our Days for Girls Team Occoquan Facebook page (coming soon). Sew Easy Sewing is dedicated to excellent customer service and will be unable to field general Days for Girls questions. Please visit the official Days for Girls website which has more in-depth information about what donations are accepted and where to submit them, what types of fabric are used in the kits and how to prepare it in advance, as well as, more information on other ways you can assist your local team and their organization: Teamwork makes a difference. We are just one of many teams across the world and we encourage you to watch this impactful video of Days for Girls heroes in action with Edmond Burke School in DC, as they work to give girls and women back more days of education, dignity, and health. |